During this year I have been told that I have to work out more and loose weight. My 5 mile powerwalks are apparently not enough. I don’t consider myself fat or big, maybe chubby but I have a very masculine body and bone structure. I certainly didn’t inherit that from mom!
So on Monday I decided to take action in all this and proof people that it wouldn’t matter if I run to the gym. I know it won’t do any bad doing it, just the opposite but in the weight loss aspect, I will gain weight as I build muscles. When I was at UT Southwestern a couple of weeks ago I was given a workout program to follow that may help my syncope syndrome so with this in mind I am willing to give it a big shot! So I went and became a member of Snap Fitness in Wills Point!
Here in the beginning there are only two machines I can do at the gym, the rowing machine and a sitting elliptical machine. I will start with 20-30 minutes rowing and 30 minutes “running” (or what you call it on an elliptical machine). Then as time goes I will be increasing the time and the difficulty on these two and add others. I also have other exercises to do such as planking, stretching etc. And I will keep on walking 3 miles instead of 5.
Yesterday was my first day at the gym. My only goal was to get comfortable with the equipment and get a feeling of how my body would react to this. I didn’t have any difficulty level on anything, it was just about getting something done within the required time frame. It went pretty well. I was surprised how well it felt. I also weigh in the morning and as of then I was 193.8 lbs. The goal is to reach 160 lbs which to me sounds impossible based on my body figure but I will do my best. I will also change my diet and my biggest problem will be portion control since I only eat one meal a day. So… this will be an interesting journey for sure!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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