That I am not a huge fan of cold weather is known. I prefer warm weather but at this point it is becoming a little much even for me. Today when I came home from work I walked into a house that was 84 degrees! It was 104 degrees outside. I think I was able to fix the problem but I don’t know yet. Five minutes after I got it to run again the power went out. There are multiple grass fires in the area right now and I just saw on Facebook that some of them has hit a couple of power lines. We got the power back fairly quickly but the house has not had enough time to cool down so I won’t know until in an hour or two. But with a house that warm I am not going to complete my plans for today, to walk another power walk to reach my 3 miles goal. If the house ain’t somewhat cool when I get home I am asking for a heat injury and that is not on my agenda.
I was good yesterday and did a short walk after work. It was 102 degrees and so hot. But I made it. I say that if I can’t do a 40 minutes walk or power walk in the heat, how am I going to be able to do my job? What if we get a traffic accident to work, or a cardiac arrest? I need to know that I can do it. I need to know how to avoid passing out and how to deal with my weird body and if I don’t keep it up, I won’t know!
While I was walking yesterday I thought that I need to bring me water on the walk. I have plenty of water in the fridge until I get home but I think it will be easier if I have some during the way as well. I will try next time I walk, hopefully tomorrow. Because there is no lack of water in this house… I have another case that has not even made it in the fridge yet…
Now I hope that I will be able to sleep despite the heat in the house. The bedrooms in this house always stays warmer than the rest of the house but the ceiling fan is on and I will put in another fan as well to circulate the air. And I will anyway just get 6 hours of sleep until the alarm goes off again so hopefully it will be okay.
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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