Many Miles On The Road

It is not very often it happens for us but today was one of the days when we got a long distance transfer (LDT) on a couple of hours. We were in Athens when we got the call of a transfer from UT North in Tyler to Sherman, TX, almost all the way to Oklahoma!

This was a BLS transfer which mean that the patient didn’t need any medications or interventions during the transfer – basically just a taxi ride so I could ride it. Usually I am the one to drive so to not have to drive this long distance was just amazing. And my partner certainly didn’t mind to drive it seemed like either.

When we go on these long transfers we of course need to fuel up. So we stopped at a gas station in Sherman. Well we got a surprise there! A super high tech no touch bathroom! I almost had a flashback to when I lived in Singapore, they had these everywhere!

First you had to press a button so you get a fresh lining on the seat out. Then when you’ve done your business there was a sensor you had to wave in front of to flush. And on the sink there was all sensors to get the water, soap and air-dryer going. I should have taken a picture of the sink too but forgot. It was almost awkward to have to take the door knob to get out.

Our next stop on our way back was of course Buc-Ees. Why did we stop twice you ask? Because we can’t use the credit card at Buc-Ees and I didn’t know we were going there when I went to the bathroom in Sherman….

Tradition to take a picture of the ambulance with the Buc-Ees beaver or a selfie with their monument but it wasn’t there… or we were on the wrong side maybe…

Of course, a trip like this takes most of the shift. It was only 3 hours left when we came back but we got one call. When we then came back to the station and were making the truck ready for the night shift I heard someone call my name across the parkinglot. It was my friend Tracy that was in the neighborhood with her daughter. They live in Arlington (other side of Dallas) so talk about the last face I expected to see there!

Now is finally a three day weekend! I need it so much! I have been very tired the last couple of weeks so to get three days to do just what my body feels like will be awesome! And I think the boys will love it too!

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