
Yepp, it is true! I am officially ON VACATION! For the first time in I don’t know how many years I took the liberty to take a week off work. And the most amazing thing is; I have nothing planned. Nada. There is a morning mingle on Wednesday that I am considering to attend but if I wake up on Wednesday and say heck no, then I ain’t going. That wouldn’t really be my style thou because I know that there will be some fun people there so I am most likely going to that. But other than that my plans for this next week is to work out when I want, sleep when I want, eat when I want. The advantage with being single and live alone is that I don’t have to ask anyone about what to do or when to do it. I am going to clean the house, maybe sort some of mom’s things. Spend as much time with the dogs as possible. And that’s it!

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