I have really been consumed by the storage cleaning project the last month. Don’t ask me what it was that made it go full force in now and not earlier. I believe everything happens at the right time for the right reasons, so who knows why… we may find out later on…
But I reached a huge milestone today!!!
The entire back wall is now visible. All chairs that was stacked on top of each other has now been taken out and I have made decisions of what stays and what goes somewhere… let’s say I had an abundance of chairs…
I took pictures of the ones for sale or given away and put some of it up on Facebook when I got home. Hopefully I can get it out soon… The red chairs and the four white chairs are staying… Haven’t made up my mind yet about the round ones… the chair behind it is free if anyone wants it too… it’s an antique oddball as I call it.
Needless to say, I am freaking proud of myself making this project progress this fast. I have gone through every single box very thoroughly. It’s been a journey! Now it’s all about getting the things I’m not keeping out of there one way or the other! It is at least much better organized now and even though I may have to move things to get to what I want or need, it is not impossible!
All the empty boxes are hopefully leaving this weekend. And the two plastic bags will just have to go whenever I have room in my trash at home… I’m very limited to only one bin there, that’s why I’ve been taking so many trips to Canton Transfer Center. But over all, it is a huge huge milestone today!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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