The project I dreaded for so long time… it is coming closer to the end. I never thought it was possible. And never did I imagine me saying it is quite fun. But it is. I have found so many things I had no clue we had. Today I found this beautiful picture of mom!
There is for sure no doubt that I am her daughter… just saying…
Today I found another antique desk that I had no clue we had. My grandma had brought it with her, at least it was her stuff in the drawers. And when I moved this table was when I could actually touch the back wall of the unit! Isn’t that just so cool! There is now a spot in the bottom left corner where you can actually see the entire back wall!!!
Got two more tables out on Facebook. A man came and took a look at one of them but it was too low for him so he didn’t buy it. That’s why that table is so far out in the middle of this picture.
I found two more crystal chandeliers. Thankfully they are already in good boxes so they will stay in them. I had to stop today when I ran out of trashbags. Found boxes with binders that now are 15+ years from previous businesses back in Sweden. Don’t think I need them anymore… So I’ve collected another load of both boxes and trash bags… will try to get the transbags to the transfer center tomorrow or Monday… It always makes a big difference when that kind of stuff is removed from there…
It has soon come to the point when I have to start in the garage here at home and clean out so I have room to bring all this home! If not be able to downsize this unit so it is significantly less in payments every month!
I am quite proud of the progress I’ve made. It is a routine now that I wake up in the morning, go to the horses and make sure they are okay and head straight to the storage unit while it is still cool outside. Since there is no air circulation in the bottom of the unit it becomes very sweaty and hot. I have to bring both towels and water to stay hydrated when I’m there.
Needless to say. I had my goal set on to be moved out of this unit at the end of the year. I absolutely think that is a possibility!!! Whoop whoop to me!!!
I had to order another set of moving boxes today, but I believe this is the last order I have to do. And I don’t think I will have to use them all actually. But I have stuff here at home that I can pack down as well so it is all good to have them around!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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