I Hate Garage Sales

Left work this morning at 6 am. Stopped at the storage unit to pick up some boxes. Then to the barn to feed the girls and make sure they were good for the day. Knowing I would not have any energy to come back later.
Came home and right off the bat started setting up for the garage sale. I absolutely hate everything that has to do with garage sales! I don’t enjoy going to them, and even less to have them. It is heck of a lot of work for a tiny amount of money… I took some pictures this morning, had to take a break because I got so exhausted and hot despite it being before 8am!

So I have taken out even more stuff after these pictures, yet not even half of what I have in the garage… I’m simply too exhausted right now!

A couple of people has stopped by and some of it is already gone. Yet I have a lot left… at the time writing this blog, it’s only 11:30 am so we will see tomorrow afternoon how much is actually left… My goal is to have significantly less things to pack up than I put out! And moneywise, I hope that I can get enough extra to cover the extra bills I had this month…

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