Bloodwork Update!

So my doctors office called me this morning with great news! The labs came back good. I don’t have any other autoimmune condition than POTS as I was diagnosed with already 5 years ago. Though that has flared up again after I was on the Prednisone for 10 days. Hopefully it will go back soon. I haven’t had this bad episodes for over a year. I’ve had headache and been tired. But not this brain fog and unable to speak thing. My brain basically slows down to nothing. I can hear you, I can understand you but I can’t figure out how or what to answer. It is weird.

Yesterday was another bad POTS day. I was on my way to Forney Area Networking Group when I could feel the headache and brainfog slowly push on. I had Excedrin with me and took two as soon as I got to the meeting but it couldn’t save me completely this time. As I got out of the car I got a little dizzy but it wasn’t bad. I had two tea deliveries to do, otherwise I would have turned around before even making it there.
I fought through the meeting without incident but I don’t remember much of it. I left as fast as I could when we were done. All the plans I had of going to the storage unit and other things on my way home was quickly cancelled. I had to stop and get a case of water. I only had 2 bottles left at home and that would not be enough. When I am having episodes I need to drink about a bottle an hour unless sleeping.

As soon as I got home, I let the dogs out and removed my makeup. Then it was off to bed. 2pm… great… didn’t take long until I was sound asleep. Woke up around 5pm. The headache was better but nothing else. I slowly got up and made it to the back door to get the dogs out. Got myself some dinner and slowly made it back to bed… jeez, a 90 year old walks faster than me when I have these episodes… but I made it back to bed without incident!
Scrolled the internet before I finally went back to sleep again…

This morning I woke up to the sweetest text message! Lindsey from the meeting had noticed that I was not myself and asked if I was okay. I appreciated her checking up on me so much!
Today I am back to normal. It’s like nothing ever was wrong yesterday. I woke up at 5 am, got out of bed, let the dogs out and did my morning routine as always. I was at the barn at 6:45am… I love being there early while it’s not so crazy hot. Continued to storage where I filled the car with stuff and boxes. Opened some other boxes and realized it could go in the trash…

I start to feel some progress at least… I think I have plowed through at least 85% of all the boxes. There are a couple hidden among the furniture here in the back. But now comes the challenge with figuring out what all things I have stacked on top of each other!!! But I can feel difference… the left picture is when I got here this morning and the right is when I left…

I have though realized… to be able to move forward, first of all I need to get all the trashbags I have accumulated out of there. That’s about 15 of them now. I also have about 3-4 boxes that needs to go home to be sold or given away. Then all the empty boxes needs to go to. Not until then I can move furnitures around and figure out what to do with all that!

So… I know I will hate it and regret it… but I have no choice. I have had things on Facebook Marketplace for weeks and nothing has been sold. So I have decided to try having a garage sale on Saturday and Sunday…

I will try to get out as much as I possibly can. I have crystals, glass, china, decorations, furniture and so much more. And this is just the first round… I need to get more room. Once I get this out of my house, in one way or the other, I hopefully have room to figure out what to do with all chairs and furniture that is in there. Hopefully someone will show up these two days and get something… I can only pray…

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