Bit By Bit

This storage project is almost consuming me right now! I actually enjoy making progress and getting it done. It feels like this storage is what keeps me not moving forward in my life. What that means specifically, I don’t know yet. But something may change when it’s all over and done with and I can see the back wall…

I knew I was tired last night. I had woken up at 3am by the dogs and not been able to go back to sleep, though I had slept 7 hours so it wasn’t bad at all. But I went to bed early intending to watch some TV before falling to sleep. Ha ha ha. 10 minutes later I was gone. Woke up at 9:45 and had to go to the bathroom but went right back to sleep again. Slept like a rock until 3am when Twix, as always, woke me up. I don’t know what it is with 3 am and these boys. They think it is their potty and snack time. And they will not let me be until their demands has been fulfilled. So out of bed, let them out, give them half their breakfast, put the horses feed in water, let the boys in and back to bed. Usually I’m laying in bed playing games for a couple of hours. Which I did as well but I did fall back to sleep for a couple of more hours!!! I woke up by the light in the room. It was daylight outside! Realizing it was 6:20 am! What in the world!!!

10 hours and 45 minutes! I knew I was a little tired but not THAT tired! Jeez. But I did feel very refreshed once I got out of bed and start moving.

I had a plan for today… I was going to the barn early and get that squared away, head to the storage unit to pick up all the boxes. A friend is going to help me burn them! So at 7 am I started on my little trip. The horses were barely awake… should have taken a picture of Dallas, she is not a morning horse! Yawning and stretching… haha. Then off to storage. They must think I’m completely crazy, showing up around 7:30 every morning I’m off…
It didn’t take long to fill the car up with two bags that was going in my trash at home and all the boxes…

I was also able to make a plan for Friday of what I would like to have done then. I like to have an idea or plan for the next time. A goal of what I want to have accomplished. Not sure I will be able to, depends on weather, how my body feels and many other factors.

I was supposed to get rid of all these boxes later this afternoon, though my friend has gotten an impediment and I will have to drive around with them until Friday… It would be hysterically funny if I got pulled over with all these boxes in my car! I’m the box lady… haha.

Heading back to Terrell this afternoon for a networking luncheon with Terrell Chamber. It will be fun I hope!

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