Storage Progress

I went back and looked at the pictures from when I started this storage unit project. It was in October of 2022. I had some idea of reaching my barn locker somewhere far in there and take it to the barn. The thought was awesome, I don’t think I realized at that time, what a huge project this really was and how much time it would take. This is what I captured when I opened the unit back then… The locker I was looking for wasn’t even visible!

Beginning of project 10/3/22
Beginning of project 10/3/22

I took a couple of trips to the unit in October and beginning of November but stopped when the winter came. The unit was completely untouched the entire 2023. Then, May 25th, 2024 was when I decided to start this sh*t again… and this is what I saw when I opened it that day! The locker was still not visible!!!

I certainly had made some progress, needless to say. I had about 1/3rd of the unit figured out. But for some reason, I feel more determined and more focused on the project now than ever before. I know it’s something only I can deal with and I have to go through every single box. It is a tedious job. But I am coming along very slowly!

Took another trip there yesterday and got even more boxes emptied and plastic bags filled up. After going through a bunch of boxes that needed to go home and be repacked, today I found more that could just go to trash straight away. That was very nice. I get happy every time I see a box that is mostly just trash. So when I left yesterday this is how it looked like!

Comparing the first and the last pictures makes me a little proud of myself to be honest. It is a long way ahead but I have also made a lot of progress. now I can see the locker to the right in the last picture and soon I will be able to open it!!! Well, ironically, the horses will most likely have to move again in a month or two so I won’t have any room in the barn for it anyway so it will have to stay in storage until further notice.

My challenge right now is how to get rid of all these old boxes. I’m not sure the transfer station will take them. I’m planning on taking another load of bags there tomorrow and then I will ask how much they charge to take them. My other alternative is if I know someone doing a bonfire soon that is willing to let me add to it with them. I have about 20 more boxes in my garage by the way… so if you know how I can get rid of them, please let me know!

I’m also planning on having a garage sale… July 20-21st is the tentative days… I know it will be the hottest time of the year but it’s the first weekend I have both Saturday and Sunday available. We will see if it will stay or what happens, but I have it in pencil at least

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