Royal Copenhagen

If I pass away, can someone please contact Royal Copenhagen and ask what to do with all this things! I am not kidding, I probably have one of the largest collections as a private person. I have absolutely everything from small salt and pepper shakers to gigantic serving plates. And more than one of each. My grandmother took a huge pride in her collection and I completely understand why.

I am not selling any of it! I am simply just repacking it into safer and better boxes. Hoping one day I will be able to display and use it. It is such a beautiful tableware and knowing that all of it is hand painted and numbered! So yes, it has a significant value in it!

Today I went by storage and took home a bunch of boxes to re-organize. I was able to fill a couple of more trash bags. My goal is to fill my car on Thursday with trash bags and take it to the Canton Transfer Site. It will cost me $2.50 per trash bag but seriously, I need more space!!! The trash pile in the storage unit is about to explode again!

The two boxes in the middle, and one behind that you barely can see are stuff that needs to go home for sale. But I don’t have room for it here. My house is slammed with other stuff and boxes that actually needs to go back to storage. But there is no way I can do that until it is all taken care of.

Since it is a lot of trash here, I decided to take a picture further inside the unit so I can see the progress a little bit better…

Step by step I’m slowly getting there. I found all the legs to the shelves to the right in the picture. Looked at Home Depot’s website where I know I got them from, they are $70 each new. So I figured if I collect the same “package” and sell for $45… would that work maybe? I am honestly surprised how miserable it is to sell anything online now. I posted a toaster and a electrical saw on Facebook the other day. I got the saw sold but no one has even bothered to ask about the toaster… and it was some almost new stuff!

I have a weekend in July where I don’t have anything planned. Thinking about having a garage sale that weekend and whatever I don’t get sold, I will donate to goodwill. I am not dealing with all this things if it is this hard to get it sold. It takes too much time and effort and I don’t get any value for it.

My house is a complete mess right now with boxes absolutely everywhere. I need to get rid of shit to be able to continue. It is a puzzle of things. All over the place. I will reach the finish line at some point but it feels so far away right now!

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