Generous Gift

On Friday I saw a post on in a local facebook group about a family giving away an orthopedic dog bed after their Great Dane had passed away. They wanted it to go to a senior dog that could use a good bed to sleep on. I thought this could be something for BamBam as I have thinking about one for a long time but they are quite expensive. So I sent him a message hoping to be picked. And I was. So this morning I went and picked it up. It was in great condition, newly washed, smelling really fresh. So I decided to protect it and put a fitted sheet around it!

So then the moment came when i let BamBam and Twix inside to see the bed. BamBam understood immediately that this thing was for him and he made himself comfortable. It made me so happy! Usually he is a little suspicious about new things but this was all his from the get go! Even Twix got a little jealous! Well Twix, you can have the twin bed next to BamBam’s bed all for yourself now… just saying!

Well it didn’t take long after BamBam walked up for Twix to try it out… I may have to buy another orthopedic bed for them and toss out the bed!!! This was absolutely a hit!

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