Here We Go Again

I think it was two years ago I started the project to clean out the storage unit. I was able to do a little and then it came to a stall. Didn’t do anything last year. But now it’s time again… I have to get this shit taken care of! And for once, I’m actually motivated to do this! So this morning I emptied the car and took a trip to the famous storage unit in Terrell

This is such a huge project. I can’t even see the back wall of the unit. But I will get there. Sooner or later.

I was able to fill the car with boxes to take home and sort. I was able to get a bunch of them actually

I had absolutely no clue what was in these boxes. All I could see was that the boxes was not closeable and had to be repacked regardless. Some stuff was wrapped in paper and some was not. I was able to collect 5 trash bags on top of these too but due to space they are still in storage.

It doesn’t look like anything happened today but it did… if you look in the left side of the picture, that’s where you see some minor differences… Those two big boxes are just empty and need to be thrown out.

I got home and unloaded the car. Jeez, now all of it was in my living room and that’s not where or how I wanted it. No reason to wait, just dig into it and see what it actually was I had there!

Three options… 1. Keep and repack, 2. Throw away or 3. Sell or give away. To my surprise a couple of the boxes was Royal Copenhagen China and that is not going anywhere. That was just to repack. But there was stuff that went to trash as well for sale!

I love being organized. Absolutely love it. So when it looked like this in the end I did have a huge smile on my face. Accomplished day 1… many more to come but it is a start!

It will have to be stacked in my living room for a while now as I go through this project slowly… Once I get more room in storage it can go back.

Then it was just to start taking pictures of the things I can sell. Decided to create a facebook group where I post everything, just to make it easier to organize and update. I have so many profiles so it would be messy to post it everywhere. I’ll post some of it in different local groups as well.

If I don’t get it sold, well then it’ll just have to be thrown out or given away at some point. It would be awesome to get a dollar or two for it but I understand if nobody wants it. Doubt that I will have another garage sale. I hate that so much. Not worth the trouble.

I feel I have done more than enough today. Quite proud of myself to be honest. I was sweating quite a lot while at the storage so I think a shower sounds like a great idea. Then I’m worth of just relaxing the rest of the evening in my opinion!

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