Good And Bad…

I was so proud of myself after completing the yard work. I felt good, accomplished and strong. Got a good nights sleep and even though it was an emotional day with mom’s anniversary I did good. Thankfully the day was full with fun meetings. First my regular Forney Area Networking Group and that was followed by a fun meeting with a fellow Swede.
Meet Maria with Swedish Cottage Bakery! I have known of her for about a year but never met her, nor tasted her treats. But last week she reached out and asked if I was interested in sharing some “business tips”. So we decided to meet up in a park and have a Fika… I brought the tea and she the goodies… and Oh My God it was good!

Swedish Tigercakes and Semlor! I have not had a real homemade Selma for years. I had to ask Maria to be quiet for a second while I took a trip to heaven and back 😂. It was so good!
We had so many ideas of how we can team up together and it was so fun to sit and speak Swedish for a couple of hours!
Twix was highly jealous when I got home. I had one Selma left that I ate in front of the computer and the. I threw the box in the trash. Usually he doesn’t care about trash but I guess the smell was simply too good this time… I had such a good laugh at him!

So two good and strong days. That was it according to my body. After a long night with several trips to the bathroom to pee I was so exhausted yesterday morning. It was like someone hit me in the face with a brick or something. I was tired,dizzy, unmotivated… I didn’t crawl out of bed until 8 which is super late for me. Sat in front of the computer trying to put together a presentation about my business. But it was a struggle. Brain fog and just everything else you can imagine. That fight betweeen brain and body is miserable. I didn’t get to the barn until 11am. Once I got done there I had to rush home before something happened. Got me some lunch, took a shower and tried to relax until I had to leave for my meetings.

Often when I am unmotivated to get out of the door, the results will be pretty darn good. I was meeting a new business owner, Nathaniel, who just started his website building company. We met at The Pony Expresso in Wills Point. We had a great time while I was tasting their delicious Mango Whip Smoothie.

After the meeting both of us headed to Terrell for another fun Networking event. A fairly new group that was put together by Casi Akins, an Insurance business owner. It was an absolutely fantastic event. Relaxed, fun, some new people and connections. Despite at this point being super tired, I was able to actually enjoy it. Looking forward to next months meeting and hopefully my schedule allows me to attend.

Didn’t get much sleep last night. Woke up at 1 am with headache and couldn’t get back to sleep. These prednisone’s makes me have to pee several times over night, something I’m absolutely not used to. Finally the alarm went off and I went to take me a shower. I came out and felt like a new person. I thought that it wouldn’t be any problem now. But the luck didn’t last for long. 15 minutes later the energy was completely gone. It was like my body had run another damn marathon.
Got me out of the house and stopped by the barn on my way here. All the way from the barn to Forney the car was on cruise control on 67mph. It didn’t care if that was speed limit or not, that’s what I managed to drive. Thankfully I came early and could take a quick nap before going in.

It is still “early”. With that said, it is 22.5 hours left on the shift. At the time of writing this I’m feeling tired but okay. I just ate my breakfast sandwiches I brought so now my stomach is all distended again. It always takes about 20 minutes after eating and I look like I’m 7 months pregnant. It is absolutely crazy.
My goal for today is to just get through the day. I hope that when we get assigned to something I will be able to focus on that and forget how I feel… I don’t have any major plans for the weekend so I will be able to recover I hope. Relax, do what ever I need to do and that’s it… we will find out how that goes!

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