I’m Bad Ass!

Came home from work this morning and got me a good 1.5 hour nap. So glad I got it because the rest of the day has been BUSY!!!

Woke up and took my trip to the barn. It was drizzling a little so the girls were close to the barn. Pigs always oinking and happy to see me. While I was there an acquaintance texted and reminded me of a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) that I had promised to help her with. Glad she did because my mind had gladly slept since I promised that. Had to run an errand on my way home, to buy heavy duty zip ties and a saw. Yepp, you read correctly.
You see, I had ordered that new camera for my backyard and that was expected to be delivered today and today is my only day with nothing planned… well except now the CMA I had to do and the tea I had to restock…
Came home and started on her CMA but had to wait for some answers from her. In the meantime I got some bookkeeping done while waiting for the package to arrive. Love that you can follow the truck online. And when it got here it was just to spring into action. While I was waiting for the camera to charge I sprung into action and did yard work… First of all, I don’t like doing yard work. It’s just not my thing. But this time was different. I had to clear all the brushes outside my bedroom so the camera had a clear view out. It was a lot of brushes y’all! But it was worth every drop of sweat! Now I have to clean that window apparently, and figure out what to do with all brushes!

When I was done with that part and the sweat was dripping down my face I got a webshop notification. A quite big order had come in. I got so happy. Every time I get an online order, it’s like Christmas. I still had to wait a little bit more on the camera to charge before mounting it so I got the order together. Realizing that I had another 45 minutes until the post office closed. Yepp, nasty and sweaty off to the post office I went. From the time the order came in, until it was delivered at the post office and the customer was notified about the tracking number: 29 minutes. That is freaking awesome! I was proud of myself!

Came home and finally got to mount the new camera. It was charged to 88% which I considered enough since it has a solar panel battery to charge the rest. And voila!

Quite hidden, not bothering anyone and since I can rotate it, I can see all angles of the yard now! No hiding here doggies!

Here is the camera on my house that I’ve had for a couple of years. It covers the gate and the side to the road!

I can turn it 360 as well so I can see more than these two pictures shows…

At this point I was hot, sweaty and miserable. The only place I could go was to the shower! And that’s what I did. Before making myself a nice salad that I engulfed in front of the computer while finishing the CMA. I finally got the answers I needed and could finish it up. And it is not even 6pm yet! I honestly feel like I’m on fire right now. The tiredness is starting to kick in but not too bad yet. The proudness within me is still bigger!

I absolutely love efficient days like this! It makes me feel good! I should do the tea inventory so I know what I have and need. Have two business meetings tomorrow and I may need to have a load with me in the car. If I do the inventory today, I can do the restocking tomorrow. Sounds like a plan to me…

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