Long Update

Friday night. I had just gone to bed when I received a text from work. An important message in our emails. Thought it was strange so despite my rules of not looking at work related stuff while off the clock I went in and looked. It was not what I expected. A coworker, fellow EMT, Celvin Orr had suddenly passed away in an off duty accident. The news hit hard. Celvin often worked the same shift as me on the other truck. We always had so much fun together. His smile was contagious. Young, ambitious guy with the world at his feet!
It didn’t take long until my partner called. I was searching the web to see if I could find any more information. Nothing. And I figured why when I spoke to Pat. No not spread rumors, all I am going to write here is that it was not a suicide, it was an accident.
Found out this morning that Celvin’s organs had been harvested and donated and that made me so happy! There will be some kind of memorial but no details at this time. I just hope I will be able to attend. I am always the person to miss these kind of things because I’m already working and tied up on the ambulance.

Rest in peace my friend. You will be forever missed! We’ll take it from here!

At the same time I was getting these news I was about to take my second dose of the Prednisone the doctor prescribed. I took the first outside the pharmacy, knowing I should at least be able to take two pills that day. Didn’t look at the bottle at the time. But now I needed to look and see. I know that you take x amount for x days and gradually lower the dose. But to my surprise this is what I see…

Looked in the bag and there was no instructions to be found. It was probably missed since they had to redo my order. Of course I turned to Google to try to figure it out. On the paper bag it said that it was for 16 days so I had that in mind. But despite my efforts I couldn’t come up with a solution that made sense. I had based it on taking it 3 times a day and gradually reduce and I did on 2 times a day but it absolutely was not right. I elaborated with the meds shelf life and tried to remember what I took last time but it was 2 years ago! I’ve slept since.
I have my PCP on one of my Facebook profiles. I absolutely hate to bother him about work stuff on his time off and social media. But it is Friday and I can’t call his office until Monday. So I had no choice. And am I glad I did because I was as wrong as I possibly could be!

My Guess #1
10 days x2 times
6 days x1 time
remaining every other day

My Guess #2
6 days x3 times
5 days x2 times
4 days x1 time

Doctors Answer
3 days x4 times
3 days x3 times
3 days x2 times
3 days x1 time
4 days x1 time 1/2 tabl.

I wasn’t even close I my guessing. But looking back when I had the answer I probably should have been able to figure it out but I never thought of starting on 4 tablets a day… nor did I think about half a tablet in the end. But I’m not a doctor either. But I was so thankful that Dr. Rich so kindly took the time to answer this first of all so quickly and on his time off!
The tablets are working! I did notice a relief on Friday but it was a significant improvement on Saturday! Can’t believe I have been fighting this myself with all kinds of theories for several weeks. Not thinking an allergic reaction of some sort could last for that long.

Yesterday was a fun day though! It was time for Downtown Forney Market. Last month was a huge success for me. I sold a new record of the year and it ended up on the second best event all time. The weather was supposed to be perfect. No major wind to fight, nice and warm with sunshine. So I was excited even though I also had Terrell Jubilee flop at the back of my head so I didn’t want to have too high expectations!

I got there and everyone was in a good mood during set up. One of my neighbors had put their table a little too close to me so I couldn’t fit mine within my tent. Felt bad that I had to ask them to move it a little. But I could still not get enough room so I could get out. So I flipped one of the tables to the side, making an aisle. With that I realized that doing so, I could suddenly fit one, maybe two more tables in my booth!!!

It has seriously taken me 1.5 years to figure this out? Never said I am the smartest horse in the barn! But I am willing to learn! Yep, I am buying another table until next event, that’s for sure!

And Downtown Forney Market did not disappoint this time either. I actually broke the record from last month! I did not expect that! Happy and excited is just an understatement! Wow!
We also had a special visitor yesterday! This butterfly 🦋 thought Raspberry Panache sounded delicious!

It was around 11 ish when my phone started to ding that Alexa said my dogs were barking. That is not unusual But this time it did not stop. I had almost 10 notifications in a couple of minutes so finally I looked in the cameras. I could hear a frantic bark in the backyard but I couldn’t see them. The camera covers the side towards the road so anything on the other side is covered by trees and and the dog run. But it was not a normal bark. Something was wrong. And there was a lot of dogs. I could clearly hear Twix and BamBam but there was at least one, probably two more dogs involved in this. I got chills down my spine. In my mind there was at least one dog injured, blood spurting and I don’t know what else it could be. Is someone on the wrong side of the fence, is someone stuck? The dogs play all the time, why now? I could hear someone talking, but it wasn’t panicking which was good. But the bark didn’t stop. Tried to call my neighbor but it went straight to voicemail. The second closest person I know is my saving hero Lea. She lives 15 minutes away but it’s still closer than where I was. She was jus about to leave her house and could swing by me and check on them. Thankfully while she made her way there I got busy with customers. It took my mind off it for what could have been a very long wait. But when she opened the door, both dogs came to her and there was no blood to be found and they were happy yet confused. I was relieved. Hung up with Lea and had to fight the tears. So grateful that Lea could check on them and easy my chicken mom heart! And that nothing happened! They truly scared the shit out of me!

Tired but happy headed towards Wills Point. Though I had to make a stop at a business to do a notary assignment on my way home. It was super easy and went quickly.
When I got home I took a walk in the backyard to see if I could find any clues of what happened earlier. That’s when it hit me… could it be that some kind of animal, possibly a snake was coming either to or from the closed dog run that has a little bit taller grass, or from the vacant house behind us? It’s only what, two weeks ago since I had a baby snake in my living room! And that could absolutely give that kind of bark from all the dogs in the neighborhood! One thing is for sure, a second camera is ordered so it will cover the other side of the yard. I am not going through this once again! That is my project for tomorrow, as soon as it gets here, get it mounted and working!

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