
Today feels like a little step back. I don’t know if it is because I’m back at the ambulance or if I simply ran out of energy. I am so tired again! At the time of writing this it is 4:30pm. We have had one call so far so we are not swamped yet. I have taken two 45 minutes naps which I rarely do during daytime at work, and I am constantly yawning. I am dragging my feet so badly.

But even though I’m tired and at work, I have been able to stick in some real estate work in between! A client texted me with three houses in Smith County she wanted to see tomorrow! So I am super excited about that. It will be a lot of miles but hopefully we find a house they like. As long as I get some sleep when I get home before I have to head out the door again, it will be all good! Considering it being Cinco De Mayo tomorrow, there will be some partying tonight and we maybe busy all night… you just never know.

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