Some Autoimmune Disease…

So I finally got a phone call from my doctors office. But it was not really what I had hoped for. I thought that I could just get a different kind of thyroid medication, we try and see if that works and take it from there. Easy peasy, right? But as always when it comes to me, it’s not THAT simple.

Have in mind, this has been going on for a LONG time. I can’t even say when it really started since I’ve had my syncope’s for 6 years now. But that actually stopped for almost a year until last week. I noticed having tremors in my legs on and off last fall which I told my doctor but wasn’t addressed. It wasn’t that important either, just something I mentioned. My headaches got increasingly worse in july/august. I brought it up but that was when I was in realtor school, my job was extremely stressful and I had many explanations for it. Then it’s just been adding on from there with things… not necessarily things that has stayed or bothered for a long time, but still my body is trying to tell me something.

So the answer I got yesterday was not an answer, it brought up one million other questions. My thyroid labs are good. Nothing there to worry about… crap. That was my easy solution to why I’ve been so tired. But the labs shows some kind of autoimmune disease and Dr. Rich has requested my records from the old clinic to compare the labs from January. From there he will see if I need to be referred to a rheumatologist or if its something that can be managed in his office…

WAIT WHAT???? I have so many questions now… first of all, what autoimmune disease are we talking about here?

I have symptoms from at least five of these groups… thyroid, muscles, skin, nerves, GI Tract… are we then talking ONE or SEVERAL possible diagnoses here? She couldn’t answer that question which was not comforting at all! She could say that it will be another week until the paperwork comes from the old clinic so I will kindly have to sit and wait and think until then… great!
And rheumatologist? Are they dealing with this kind of stuff? I had to google it just to make sure, because in my mind they deal with arthritis, muscles and bones… not really what I have going on in my mind…

“A rheumatologist is a board-certified internist (a physician of internal medicine) or pediatrician who is qualified by additional training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles, and bones, including those that are inflammatory and autoimmune in nature.”

So I wasn’t completely wrong then… I don’t have muscle and/or bone pain except my sciatica nerve but that we know what happened. (Result from an unsuccessful lumbar puncture). So I honestly doesn’t see what a rheumatologist can do for me… please someone educate me here!

I guess I’ll have to wait and see what comes back next week. I promise you I will update everything here because this may be something someone reads and can give me a hint or suggestions, or maybe my journey I’m obviously about to embark can help someone else!

I’ve actually though had two quite good days yesterday and today. Worked on the ambulance yesterday and me and my partner took on the assignment to detail two ambulances, inside and out. I was a little worried how I would be afterwards but it wasn’t bad at all. I surprised myself actually! And we got to sleep almost 6 hours overnight which was awesome!

Came home this morning and did my normal routine with the dogs and laid down in bed with them for an hour. The best time of the day! Ran some errands and checked on the horses. Came home and while I was gone someone called and needed document notarized so I had to clean the living room a little. When they left I had the biggest task of the day left. Mow the yard. Last week when I mowed it got too much and I passed out. It was close today too. I don’t know why my body doesn’t like mowing. I actually enjoy doing it.
When I was done I sat and rested for a little bit and got my blood pressure to normal levels before jumping in a much needed shower. I don’t shower super hot. It is warm but not steam as I have to think about the temperature drop going out of the shower. That is something that can trigger a syncope. While in the shower my arm started to itch. So what did I do? Itch back. Just briefly, not excessively… then this happened!

I have always bragged that I can’t bruise… what in the heck is going on here? I didn’t even itch this much! It looks like I’ve tried to scratch off my arm or something!!! It is 3 hours between these pictures. I know that your vessels expands when you shower but… I’m in shock! Guess who will start documenting absolutely everything from now on because something weird is happening…
Anyway… I got quite tired after the mowing so I went to bed and napped for 1.5 hour. It was nice. It gave me just the energy to finish up the first of the month for Harlequin Tea and do some other work… write this blog post for example.

Soon time to go to bed. Have a couple of meetings tomorrow and then it’s heading to the barn. There is an event in Terrell that I may go to in the evening depending on how I feel… one day at a time!

Yes, I will keep you updated here on what’s going on… I won’t write much on my social media. Just put links to the blog posts in case someone is interested… I have created a category and a tag called Autoimmune Disease so the posts updates about this is easy to find… so keep on checking in if you’re curious…

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