Finally Went To The Doctor…

As I mentioned in my last post, the last couple of months has been challenging. Health issues I couldn’t really explain. In the same time I didn’t have time to deal with it and with my previous experience of being “under the weather” for a long time, all my labs comes back normal so what’s the point?

Well, last Friday I was folding laundry when I suddenly got a sharp, sharp pain in my liver. OMG, I thought my liver would explode. I even contemplated to call an ambulance, that’s how bad it was. But I decided to fight for a while and after about 3 hours the pain subsided and went away. But I was completely exhausted after that. Never experienced anything like that before!
The weekend was “normal”. Slept a lot. It was anyway raining all Saturday so not much outdoor you could do. Then Monday when I woke up I had a sharp pain under my ribs on the left side… Good Grief, what is happening? I had to go to work so I just pulled myself together and hoped for the best. I came three hours into the shift and I decided to call my PCP after all and make an appointment. This has been going on for too long and it is one thing after another. It has to end. And this pain did not go away after three hours. It was there until the following day. Got an appointment for this morning. Knowing that I had to do labs I wanted a morning appointment.

Dr. Rich’s new clinic is awesome! Really nice. So glad he brought his staff with him now when he opened his own practice. They are all so nice!
Poor Dr. Rich, having a patient like me… waiting and waiting, trying to tell myself “it’s nothing” and then when I’m about to break completely and decides now is the time, have the longest story to tell that spans months back which doesn’t makes it easier for him to put the puzzle together.
But he caught on with something very quickly… so all this started beginning of February… Exactly that time was when I changed pharmacy from CVS to Walgreens (Brookshire’s). With that change of pharmacy, most likely the manufacturer on my Levothyroxine medication changed. Even though we didn’t change the dose, my body may not absorb this manufacturer as well, or may all together reject it! What in the world! Because he straight asked me if the looks of my pills were the same. All I could say they are still pink and oval as they’ve always been. But then I came home and looked at it and I saw something interesting… Both these are Levothyroxine manufactured by Mylan. The blue is 75mg and the pink is 112mg. I’m on 112mg… but look at the mark in the middle of the pill… I don’t remember it being that big on my pill that I got from CVS… It looked as the blue pill…

I don’t know if this has any affect what so ever, it may be a change just to make it easier to split them but it may be a change for them to keep track on if the pill was produced before or after a certain date… It was just something I noticed…

Anyway, that’s where we are right now. Of course we did urine and blood work and all that. Urine came back normal so not as I suspected a UTI that crawled up in the kidneys. It will take until Friday until we know what the blood work shows… if anything… seriously… It doesn’t surprise me if everything comes back completely normal… But he took almost all tests there were in the book it felt like to start ruling out or in stuff… He mentioned all panels and I was just baffled. So I pray that I get some answers to this! I can’t say he doesn’t try to find the cause of me feeling this crappy!

So I guess this will be a saga to be continued… I will keep you in the loop!

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