Two Events In Two Days

I’m alive… no worries! But holy moly it’s been a weekend!

I had swapped shifts with a coworker so I was working Friday instead of Saturday. We got posted at a motocross event… It was hot, smelly and quite boring to say it the least. Looooong 8 hours…

And we didn’t even make it back to the station after the event. We got 911 calls, posts and then a transfer back to back. We left the station at 9am and we didn’t come back until midnight! But then, thankfully we got some sleep, almost 5 hours!

Saturday was going to be busy but fun. Stopped by Sonic on my way home to get ice. Then downtown Wills Point to drop off all my stuff before heading home to feed the dogs, brew the tea and take a much needed shower. Decided to let the dogs be inside because there are a lot of visitors in the area and I don’t trust people… I headed back to downtown Wills Point to set up the booth for the day!

As always, the wind is a mess. Here the street is leaning to the side as well (for water to rinse off) and that doesn’t help me at all with the bags. So I had to lay them down… but it didn’t affect my sales, I had a great day! Much fun to see friends from KMOO radio and CERT!

When the event was done I had a Brookshire’s Curbside order to pick up. I have not done that since the beginning of Covid. But knowing I was going to be tired, I thought why not give it a try. And it was so worth it. I got all my stuff and was out of there in a couple of minutes! Super awesome service. I was so tired when I got home I barely could carry all the stuff in!

Got a good night’s sleep and at 4am, Twix thought it was time to wake up and get going. I had lots to do with restocking from previous day and finish bookkeeping etc. So it was nice to get all that done before the next event started! This time off to Terrell and Whisked Away Bakehouse.

It is so hard to do these events, you just don’t know what to expect. And it’s been so hyped up with this Solar Eclipse. I knew there was coming people from all over the world to the area, but would they buy tea?
I am limited of space outside Whisked Away but I got to borrow two small boxes that I turned upside down which was awesome to elevate the products. It gave me so many ideas for future events!

There was a steady stream of people. And yes, a lot of tourists! To get the opportunity to reach outside Kaufman County is awesome! I met a couple from Norway… 😁. Realizing my norwegian is not what it should be… haha. No wonder, haven’t used the language in 20 years or so. But it was so awesome talking to them.

But the highlight of my day was my last customer. Two gentlemen came and looked what I had. I asked them if they were visiting the area and they said “We’re from Sweden”. And then they had this smile I recognize so well because I do it myself so often… the “do you know where that is” smile. 😂 So I, in Swedish said “well, then we can continue this conversation in Swedish”. The looks on their faces makes me laugh just writing about it!!! OMG. That was the last thing they expected. Somewhere in a small town in East Texas, a girl is selling tea on the streets and is speaking fluently Swedish!!! 🤣. It was awesome! Turned out they are also from Stockholm, but the other side of town from where I grew up! Thank you guys for stopping at my booth here in Terrell, you certainly made my entire day!

Two awesome events in two days. I am glad I have two more days off before heading back to work. I slept straight through the night, completely knocked out. Will most likely take a nap after the Eclipse this afternoon as well. I have so much to do, feels like I’m behind with a lot! But it will be all good! One thing at a time!

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