Not A Joke

No, what I wrote yesterday was not an early April’s Fools Joke. I was absolutely serious. Things got to change and I am the only one who can do it. I need to get my shit together. Period.

Today is day 1. And I was not going to fail the first thing I did. Twix & BamBam were both very disappointed that they were not allowed to come along on my walk. But I knew that this would be too much for BamBam and I’m not putting him through that. It was hard for me too, I’ll tell ya! Jeez I am so out of shape it is embarrassing.

I took the same route as I usually do with the dogs so I had something to compare with. Tried to find a pace that I could keep as much as possible. It was rough! But I am so proud of myself that I did it! I pushed through and got a starting point to move forward from!

Unfortunately I’m working 🚑 tomorrow so I won’t be able to do a powerwalk. The last couple of shifts has been beyond rough though so I may get some kind of workout. Last shift we ran 6 911-calls in 10 hours and posted for a total of 4 hours. Have in mind, we are actually a critical care truck that backs up the 911 system. We run maybe one 911 call a shift, and that is maybe! So we certainly got our hand given to us. It seemed to us as CareFlite didn’t have any ambulances in Forney or the east part of Kaufman County all day. The shift prior that was also a busy one with back to back long distance transfers with very sick patients and the truck broke down as well. But I like this variety, it just doesn’t have to be so slammed!
My goal now is to take some kind of walk on Wednesday. I have a lunch class in Terrell but hopefully I can do it in the afternoon. At least I got today squared away! Good feeling!

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