Half Of March Is Gone

Realized this morning that half of March is already gone. I’m baffled. Absolutely doesn’t like that time is running so fast. I feel like I don’t have time living anymore.

My huge order of Tea finally came. Gosh, that wa a painful wait 😂. I was like a kid on Christmas. And that day I had to leave at 4pm for the E! Terrell show. And of course, I came two blocks away and the UPS truck came… I was pissed. But on the other hand I had something that waited for me when I got home.
So the last two days I’ve spent to pack and prepare bags. I have made over 100 bags of tea. I had lacked behind on small bags as well because of my label printer. It only printed one at a time which took forever. So finally I had decided to invest in a new one that came the day prior. It took me less than 10 minutes to print all the 100 labels now, absolutely fantastic!

Now starts the work with taking all product pictures, making the social media promotions, emails etc. I also have my first event on Saturday, in Ben Wheeler. So it’s a lot to do right now. But fun stuff. I absolutely love my little company. And this year it’s like I am starting it all over with a new logo, the large bags came this week and it’s absolutely adorable!

And then new blends on top of it. So it feels like a new start, a great one!

Now, with all these investments I can only hope and pray that people come and buy my products. That’s is the nervous part of it all. Every sale I make is like Christmas! I actually had a sale yesterday so I started today with delivering right when I got home from work. The family was still sound a sleep when I left the bag outside their door, just after 7am. Perfect so they could have their morning tea!

Well, I better get to work with all these pictures I have to do. It is fun stuff but a lot when it is 6 blends… it won’t be done today!

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