Sometimes it feels like time is just running too fast. I’m not having enough time to live and enjoy life. Not saying I wouldn’t do much different though. I love my jobs, both EMS, my business, real estate. I have my animals that are amazing. But there are things I would love to do more of. I would love to get my horses broke or breed them. I would love to buy some properties and rent out… travel… list goes on and on. I think we all feel the same.

I did the biggest tea purchase I have ever done so far. 38 lbs of tea. I am scared. Honestly super scared. This is the second year in business and at the end of the month I will release 5 more blends. It will equal up to over 30 blends that I offer! I started out with what, 8 or 9? Only a year ago. It’s a lot of money and effort put into it. What if people doesn’t like my new blends? What if the weather destroys or cancels the events? There are so many “what if’s”. But in the same time I’m so super excited. A bunch of events in April that I will be out and about at and I can only pray it goes well!

The first year in business was all about promoting. Getting the word out about Harlequin Tea. Getting people to see the products, taste it and hopefully like it. Now is second gear. I’m done with being a nice girl giving discounts. I sat last weekend and did all the bookkeeping for last year and realized how much discounts I’ve given. Sometimes because I didn’t have change… so that is absolutely something to fix on these events. So here we go… hopefully it will all turn out to the better and I’m willing to fight for it!

While being out on events this year, I will also have the opportunity to promote myself as a realtor. In every bag I give to a customer will be a copy of my magazine, business cards and a presentation about myself. I have ordered 75 magazines this time instead of 50 last round. I don’t see it being a problem getting rid of them as I only have 9 of the first round left.
I have another closing next week. After that is nothing. My broker decided to close Zillow. A decision I completely understand. They paid for something they never got. Not one lead for over 2 months. Why waste the money. But now I have to find my own leads which will be very hard. But I am determined. I can do it.

Got another batch of business cards today too… much needed. Cheap advertising. I ordered double of what I usually do to make sure I had enough. And yes, I will spread them as much as I can. They don’t do good on my table. I changed Harlequin International’s card a little and added Tea and Podcast logo on there. It makes it easier for people to understand what I do…

I update my other website a little more than I do this one right now. It’s a more advertised site and therefore a little bit more important. Trying hard to brand me as an entrepreneur and realtor®. I hope that my persistence and stubbornness pays off at some point… that’s all I can hope for. And I pray that March and April will be good months. January and February started the year good at least!

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