More Apples To Twix

I really hope this was the last cold snap of this season! I absolutely hate Texas unpredictable weather. When I moved here and read about Texas, I found out that there are about 5-6 days that are cold. And with that said, around 40 degrees at night. That is bull sh*t. Three years ago we had a freaking snowmageddon and now we have had over a week with freezing temperatures. I’m done with cold!

Came to work yesterday and found this:

Excuse me what? Yeah, it was 64 degrees in our EMS room. For you Celsius people, that is 17.7 C! To be inside in that temperature is a no for me. I have enough problems with cold. So I decided to spend the entire day in the ambulance!

We were anyway quite busy all day but I didn’t leave the ambulance while it was parked here until we came back from our last call, shortly after midnight. At that time it was at least 67 degrees and since I had my heating blanket in the car (as always) I bundled myself up and went to sleep. Was grateful that I got 4 hours actually! But was I tired when it was time to go home!
My house was freezing cold when I got home since the back door had been open for the dogs. So heater on, heating blanket on max in bed and two dogs with me and we went to sleep. Another 4 hours rock solid sleep! It was awesome! Once I woke up, it was 11 am and the house was perfect temperature for me.

I unpacked my meal bag and had an apple left that I put on the table. Twix was very interested in the apple so I gave it to him… I guess I will have to buy him more apples in the future!

I don’t have anything on my calendar for today so my plans are to just take it easy and take a walk with the boys a little later. That’s it. Enjoy that it is 57 degrees outside and the sun is shining!

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