I really want to do the event but I didn’t feel I had $125 to put out right now. I have a lot of expenses coming up in this month for Harlequin Tea. I need to order large bags and another load of tea etc. So it wasn’t really good timing. But then I got an email that there was only 6 spots left. I couldn’t take the chance to NOT have a booth. It is two days and great opportunity to exposure. Usually Sundays are quite slow if it is as I remember a couple of years ago but still… I took the bite and registered for a booth. So now it’s real… Harlequin Tea will be at Terrell Jubilee on April 27th and 28th!

I really hope and pray this will be a good event and the weather behaves. That can be a hit and miss. Sadly and traditionally this weekend is always tricky with the weather. So we will just hope and see… I am excited and hope that I can meet a lot of people these two days! Glad that I’m already off both days so I don’t have to take off. I know there will be so much work for this event… phew, but I’ll get through it!

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