I didn’t think it was possible… but it is. I have two days in my calendar with absolutely NOTHING scheduled. Not that I don’t have anything to do but I have no commitments. It is amazing!
I came home from a busy 24 hour shift at work yesterday. I had a tea order to prepare, the customer would come by sometimes in the morning and pick it up outside my door. That was it. Went to bed around 7am. Usually I’m not able to sleep more than 2 or 3 hours. But I was so exhausted, I didn’t wake up until noon. I surprised myself.
Had some real estate stuff to take care of that had come in over email during the hours I slept. Took about an hour. Then I decided to have some “me time”. I crawled back to bed and watched Waitress, the musical, that I had bought on Apple TV a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to see it so bad and now was a perfect time! And it absolutely did not disappoint. See it if you can!
Twix & BamBam thought it was a great idea to spend the afternoon in bed cuddling. When the movie was done the time had gotten to their dinner time. So I made them dinner and ate a toast myself before crawling back to bed. I wasn’t tired but I had nothing that I absolutely had to do. The dirt on the floor will be there today as well. So I was just sitting in bed scrolling social media and playing some card games on my phone before falling asleep around 6pm.
I woke up around 11pm with the worst headache ever. I’ve been struggling with lots of headaches for a couple of months. I think it is my old neck fracture that is haunting me. With a phone in my hand 24/7 I’m almost always sitting in a bad position with my neck. People with POTS (Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) are also prone to headaches. I have brought it up with my doctor but he doesn’t seems to think it is serious enough yet to do anything about. Guess just another thing to learn to live with.
I went out of bed and took me some Excedrin and a toast hoping that would help. Despite it taking a couple of hours, it did help. I fell back asleep around 2am according to my watch and didn’t wake up until 6:20am. Slept like a rock. I felt quite rested when I woke up. Not brain foggy as I sometimes can be.
Today is day #2 with nothing on the calendar. It is amazing. I went to the barn this morning and gave them a good brush. You couldn’t really tell afterwards because they have so much winter coat!
The rest of the day has just been in front of the computer getting stuff done. Some bookkeeping, some form creation, advertising etc. Stuff that just needs to be done. Sitting here with my cup of Peach Apricot Green Tea and just do one thing at a time with no stress. A client wants to see two properties tomorrow and I am waiting for an answer from one of those agents. Am going to finish up the next podcast episode this afternoon so that is done before the two recordings I have scheduled for tomorrow. And that’s it. Just enjoying my weekend!
© 2020-2023 Cecilia Wichmann
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