I Didn’t Expect THAT!

It is hard for me to ask for feedback, reviews and all that kind of things. But as a small business owner that is absolutely something I have to work on. It is just awkward for me to ask for anything simply. It is easier for me to ask people to write a review on the tea, but when it comes to my own performances… gaaahhh.

Over the weekend I set up a Google page for my Real Estate. I know that Google reviews helps in so many ways so I figured, worth a try at least. It took a couple of days to get it verified but yesterday the notification came that it was public.
Despite my awkwardness I sent a text to a former client I helped last year, asking if she would go online and give me a review. Didn’t ask her what to write, or how many stars to give me. But simply, it’s the only client in real estate I’ve had that closed a deal… but this was what I got back:

OMG. That was way beyond what I ever had imagined or expected!

I had a rough day at work yesterday and then in the middle of a lot of drama and bullshit that was going on I got this. I just wanted to scream and jump of happiness and joy and I couldn’t. I just wanted to quit my job right there and then so I could do real estate 100% but I can’t, I need an income. I am still too new. After Zillow changed their operations, I have no incoming leads at all. I am working with two clients right now which I am so grateful for but when it comes to steady income, it’s not reliable right now. And all our organizations wants so much money from us, it’s freaking insane. People think real estate makes so much money… yeah but the amount of work and the fees we have to pay are also ridiculous. $500 per quarter to MetroTex, just to be able to see listings and call us Realtors. There are no other benefits of being a member. So that is an entire house sale for me per year just in that membership. Add on there we need to have a digital key to get into the houses called Supra. That’s another $150 per quarter. And if you don’t have any leads or clients walking in the door… it’s a lot of money. So every review I get that is positive will boost both my mood and self confidence and it will boost my social media presence! Hopefully I can get some more at the end of next month when the next deal closes!

Just to be in compliance with TREC and all real estate rules… on the bottom of all posts where I talk about real estate I need to post these two documents:

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