More Networking!

Two weeks ago, I visited Royse City Area Networking Group for the first time. The facilitator, Fred, had invited me many times last year and I just couldn’t get my schedule together then. But finally I got it on my calendar so I try to go the Friday’s I am available. It is only 30 min drive from my house which is very convenient.

What an awesome group of people! So supportive to everyone! It is absolutely awesome! I was able to schedule two 1-on-1’s for the upcoming weeks! It benefits me to be able to talk to other business owners, learn from them, promote myself and just get out there! And I think it is so much fun learning about others as well!

I thought I was going to have a calm, relaxing afternoon. Didn’t get any sleep at work last night so I was quite exhausted. Ha, the Real Estate God thought otherwise. But that was good though! We got all the paperwork and offer approved for a buyer I am representing so we have a contract! Whoop whoop! And I got a phone call to actively start looking for a property for another client. As a matter of fact, we have a couple of properties to look at tomorrow! So tomorrow will be another very busy day.

I love being busy! I am so excited to get the opportunity to help people buy and sell their houses. This job as a real estate agent fits me absolutely perfect! It is planning, coordination, investigation, negotiation and so much more. I just wish I had a bigger office here at home. Well, I could have, just have to clean out the garage and move all the binds and crap I have in here… one day maybe that will happen, I’m too busy now.

So, I am going to try to go to bed early… it is after all Friday and I am exhausted. Need to be somewhat alert tomorrow with both podcast recording, looking at property for my horses and clients! Slam dunk awesome day!

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