What A Day!

Yesterday was the day… the Kick Off 2024! event when we were officially having Harlequin International’s ribbon cutting with both Terrell Chamber of Commerce and Wills Point Chamber of Commerce.

It is so hard to anticipate how many will show up at something like this. I had also put a tricky time at 5pm. It is after work and people have things to do etc. But I wanted to give it a try. And I’m glad I did! It turned out awesome! People from Terrell Chamber, Wills Point Chamber, Forney Area Networking Group, future guests at the podcast and customers from events that had seen the posts showed up! It was so awesome. I think about 25-30 people came through the doors at the two hour event.
They tried some tea, they networked and had some cinnamon rolls and snacks. And they bought tea! Lots of tea! I was overwhelmed and so happy!

I came home so happy, humbled and tired! Running this company is the most fun thing ever! People seems to like my product a lot and that is awesome!

This morning I sat and redid the design of the big 3oz bags. With that said, the only thing I did was change the logo and remove the phone number… But I am completely out of bags so I have to find money somewhere to buy new ones. It is quite an investment but I actually haven’t ordered it since last year. But it will be awesome with the new logo, Mr. T. Pot is his name by the way!

Today has been another busy day. Ran a bunch of errands this morning, did another delivery of tea before going to Wine, Women & Wealth networking in Forney. This is the most fun place ever. They have drawings and last month I won a wine glass holder. This month I won a glass cup from Starbucks and a $20 giftcard! I’m like shocked because I never win anything… maybe I should say rarely now then… but I named this year Luck so…

Came home from the meeting and had to get ready for not one but two recordings to the Small Business & Entrepreneur Podcast. At the time of writing this, I’m in between the two recordings. It will be February’s episodes so it will be a little until you can see it. Next show coming out is January 29th.

Well well, time to get ready for the next recording… lots to figure out first!

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