The Annual Snow

Every year in January or February Texas gets an annual snow or icemaggeddon. 2024 ain’t no different…

I absolutely hate this weather. I was working an extra shift last night and thankfully we didn’t have any calls but we still had to be out and do stuff. Since I got called in with three hours notice I didn’t have time to go and do the shopping last night as I had planned. Therefore I have to get out again in this crap today. Well, I anyway have to go to the barn again later this afternoon so I am planning on doing all of it at once.

It is not snowing hard, just small flurries coming down. Glad my house is pretty warm. So far I have both power and water. Every faucet is dripping. I have the advantage of lived in this weather for a while in my life. It’s not my first rodeo so to say…

The horses ain’t bothered about the weather it seems. I throw out loads of hay to them. They are not even finishing it up.
Twix seems to enjoy the snow. BamBam is bored to death and doesn’t like any of it. It’s cold and nasty in his mind. I agree with him.

I just hope this goes away until Thursday when I have the Kick Off 2024! Event! I’m not in the mood to reschedule it…

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