So Tired

Came home from work this morning… another shift where they run us to the ground at night. We are not allowed to sleep during business hours which means we get almost no sleep. It’s not really the calls that are the problems but the postings. Just get up, drive a couple of miles and sit at the side of the road for up to hours because someone else got a call and their area needs to be covered.
In my case, I’m not sure that it would help if I could sleep during the day to be honest. Yes, if I could lock myself in to a dark room and rest but I don’t think my body could sleep. Now I have to sit in a bright room in a recliner… whatever… it is life of EMS… rant over…

Had the back door open so the dogs could go out, so it was freezing cold when I got home. Fed the dogs, changed bedding on the bed and turned my heating blanket on. Laid down with them for about two hours. Couldn’t sleep but relaxed. Enjoyed the cuddles and warm bed.
I had some errands to run. I wanted to get my nails done today. It was long overdue. Also had to get dog food. I have used Chewy for a couple of weeks but I wanted to go and look at other alternatives for the boys. I’m not really happy with just looking at a screen. I want to see the bags next to them. Found a Purina Pro Plan Large Breed feed that I had never seen before that I will try. Twix has some acid reflux so it is a little tricky whether he can have it or not. The good thing was that it is a 47 lbs bag… expensive as f*ck but if it works it’s worth it.

Stopped at Brookshire’s on my way home to get some chicken for my crock pot. I was so tired at this point I couldn’t even think. Almost worried I wouldn’t make it home. Of course I forgot the pasta I needed. Thankfully I had to get out again later to feed the horses so I could get it then.
Prepared the crock pot when I got home and finally crawled to bed again. This time I could at least sleep 2 more hours. Excited to now have 5 hours of sleep! I know I will recover it during these three days off.

The crock pot was basically the only productive thing I got done today. But I’m proud of it. The total of all ingredients was about $15 and I got six meals out of it! $2.50 per meal is absolutely not bad!

Chicken stroganoff with egg noodles. The recipe says one package of italian spices but I’m gonna try two next time… it was a little blend even for me but not bad.

Time to go back to bed again… hopefully I can sleep through the entire night and wake up ready for a new day tomorrow!

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