A Good Christmas

Christmas 2023 is now in the books and we’re looking forward to 2024. My Christmas was very good. I spent the Christmas Eve at work. Yes it was busy!
I took a patient from Forney to Dallas. Didn’t run lights and sirens but tried to make it there as fast as legally possible. While going on 80, holding an average pace of 75 miles/hour I sometimes had to go over in the left lane to pass another car. TWICE while doing that another car decided that it would be a great idea to try to pass me on the right hand side, realizing too late that there was a reason for me being in the left lane, then trying to squeeze in between and get in front of me. Seriously??? Not only do I have a patient in my truck, I also have a paramedic whom most of the time is not even wearing seatbelt. Do you even know how much an ambulance weighs? Thankfully, I saw these idiots and could avoid a collision without having to stomp on the breaks but it made me think if these people didn’t want to make it to their final destination. Wouldn’t it be sad to end up in mine, or any other ambulance on Christmas because you are driving like a stupid moron…

Anyway… had to stop by the barn on my way home yesterday morning and feed all the animals. The family who owns the farm so I have to help with their pigs too. It was quite cold so all of them were happy to get breakfast before the sun was up.
Continued home to two very happy dogs. Breakfast time and traditional cuddle. Got my heated blanket and Twix absolutely loves it. He is laying either on the blanket or on top of me. Before I got it, he could lay next to me but not anymore. I don’t mind to be honest.
At noon I headed over to my friend Deb and her family for Christmas lunch. They had cooked the best rib and ham I have ever tasted. OMG… I ate waaaaayyyyy too much. And that dressing… holy moly. I’m not kidding, it was beyond delicious!
Look what Deb gave me for Christmas!

A Christmas ornament with a Cardinal and an apron with Swedish Dala Horses on! I absolutely love it! So thoughtful gift! I am trying to put ornaments on my tree that means something for me or are given to me. That’s the reason for only having a couple of them on there. And now I have one more for my collection. And look at this beautiful apron. Not sure I dare making it dirty, I’m quite a mess while cooking!

Stopped at the barn again on my way home to make sure the animals had dinner. Knew it was going to be quite cold over night.
I was so full when I got home and very tired so the only thing I did was feed the dogs, hang the ornament up and go to bed. I was asleep by 6:30pm.

So I had a very good Christmas. Now it’s back to reality I guess… started the day with paying my electric bill… figured that was a good idea since it’s quite cold today. It was 31 degrees when I was at the barn earlier this morning. brrrr…
Two more days off work and I am just going to relax and watch movies… have to go to Tractor Supply and get some AlfAlfa cubes for the horses… and I need to clean my extremely muddy floors after the rain, but other than that, the less I do the better!

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