Small Business Podcast

Yesterday I had an idea… and if you know me you know that I run with my crazy ideas when I get them! Let me present to you; Harlequin Small Business Podcast!

I would like to invite all small business owners to what I hope will be a fun and inspirational podcast for and about entrepreneurship and small businesses. Anyone is welcome to join me in an episode. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, supporters. I would like to hear people’s stories about how they came up with their business idea and how their journey has been. What did they do right and what did they do wrong? All questions possible related to small entrepreneurship. And it doesn’t matter if it is your side gig or your full time gig. Anything inspirational! And I would love to cover every corner of the world. Not just people in Texas. And all categories of entrepreneurship.

So far the trailer is available on Spotify and Apple Podcast but I am working on it getting on more platforms. I have a while to get that done since I haven’t set an exact date yet for the first episode. Now is the journey of updating the website and finding guests. I don’t even know how often the podcast will come out. Just many ideas in my head still… lot to do, fun stuff!

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