OMG What an amazing and fun day I had yesterday!

Well it started a little weary though. I woke up at 5 am and while laying in bed I planned out my morning. I had to be in Dallas at 8:30am and I had to stop at Walmart to get a white binder. I was feeling so unprepared! I had not even printed all the scores that I needed. Not that it would take that long time but it performance day! 💀 So I figured if I leave at 7am I would be fine. Asked Alexa to turn off the alarm and she answers me “6:30am alarm cancelled”. What was I thinking last night? Half an hour to get ready? Well it was still around 5:15 at this point so I had plenty of time!

The car packed with clothes, scores and off I went. Got me a binder and water at Walmart and made it to Lovers Lane United Methodist Church in plenty of time. The church was so beautifully decorated for us! They always does such an awesome job with their decorations!

A final dress rehearsal without microphones was done. The techguy was told to get there at 11 when the show started… haha. Nope sir, we need you at 9. Well he came in time enough for the kids to do mic check. But when I went up for my first solo I had no clue. And it didn’t matter either because the mic was so far from me but you could hear me well enough…

This is me opening the show with God Morgon Mitt Herrskap. At the time of writing this post, this is the only video I got. I did two other solo’s but don’t know if anyone recorded it. I am actually pleased with all my performances. It went better than I expected. On my way to the church I listened to one of the songs that I basically didn’t know the lyrics to. That was the song I was given on Tuesday so I had 4 days to figure the song out. But it went well thankfully!
And what an audience! I don’t think we’ve ever had such an supporting crowd. When one of the kids sang Rudolph, they started clapping! She got so much energy from their support and that spread to all the kids who did amazing performances! And the feedback meant so much to all of us!!

I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who came up to me after the show! All you wonderful praise and feedback meant much more to me than you ever can imagine. I was so humbled of all your nice comments!
And a huge THANK YOU to Ms. Katie Scheetz on the piano and organ! This woman is such an amazing musician and could transpose our music so it worked well for the kids and for my solos! And she took time out of her schedule on Friday for me to come in and run through my three solos!

It was so good to see so many friends and acquaintances! It’s like the only time of the year I see some of the Swedish friends. Don’t ask me why! And then I got some Swedish Fika of course! It was delicious!

And if you wonder about the dress… not what you’re used to see me in to begin with but this is the story behind it… The choir director Cecilia Drott wrote in our group chat that she was inspired by a girl who wore a beautiful red dress last year to go “all out” this year. So at the last rehearsal I asked her if she was going to do that or if that was just a joke. Low and behold both of us pulled out our dresses and decided to go all out this year. The color matching wasn’t really planned, that was just how it turned out! It was so much fun! Now is just the question how we will top this next year?

Well, when the performance and event was over it was time to get back to reality! Out of this beautiful dress and back into my tactical pants, shirt and more daily professional style. I had work to do. I was going to Hawkins, TX to show a house. I had to stop by the barn on my way there really quickly to feed the girls

Made it to Hawkins with enough time to spare for a quick Sonic run. Ordered a burger but when I got it, it felt a little thin… no kidding, it didn’t have a patty on it!!! Seriously, I ordered extra bacon, which was there but…

After having to wait almost 4 minutes for them to answer the button I finally got a burger with a patty and could head to the showing, and I made it in time!

When I got home at 5:30pm last night I was so exhausted. And happy! It was one of those days when I was reminded of that I absolutely love days like this! I get to do what I love the most! The dogs were happy to see me and get their dinner! We crawled to bed and called it a day!

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