That I am a morning person is not a secret. I love waking up in the mornings and get things done before everyone else gets out of bed. Nights and evenings are to sleep. But lately my body has had a need of sleep way beyond what is normal for me. I usually sleep between 7 and 8 hours. That is the ideal for me. Then I am able to go full force all day long.

But for the last couple of months, I would say since June or July, I wake up between 4am and 5am. I am up for about 5-6 hours and then I’m so exhausted I need a nap of about 2 more hours. Then I am back in bed around 7pm and sleep my 8 hours again.
Friday… I went to the class in Irving. Woke up at 6am, left the house at 7am. Was out of class at 12:30pm. Swung by the barn on my way home and I was home at 3pm. I kid you not, at 3:30pm I was dead asleep. Didn’t wake up until 9pm when I had to use the bathroom. Let the dogs out and was back in bed less than 15 minutes later and slept until 4am when the alarm went off. What the heck? This is not normal!

Yesterday… I got 4 hours of sleep at work which is not a lot. Came home and laid down with the dogs for 2 hours. I didn’t sleep but I rested. Took a trip to the barn, fed the (grumpy) girls and gave them a brush and went straight home. Napped for 45 minutes. I had set the alarm because I had a livestream scheduled, otherwise I would have slept more. Did the livestream and was awake for another hour. The fatigue hit hard again. Back to bed and slept for two hours. It is now around 5pm when I woke up so I let the dogs out and gave them dinner. Nauseated and couldn’t really think so I went back to bed. It didn’t take 5 minutes and I was a sleep. Slept straight for another 9 hours. Seriously?

I think I have straighten out my life quite well lately! I only work two days a week in EMS now. Yes it is 24 hour shifts but most of the time we get about 5-6 hours of decent sleep every shift. I don’t walk very much anymore, two reasons. One… lazy… better be honest here… real estate stuff and promotion stuff in front of the computer has taken priority lately and I found that as a stupid excuse for not walking. I also need new shoes… second is that I have been so exhausted after my walks, I had to go to bed again… I wish I had a treadmill at home. Then I could take shorter walks when I felt ready for it and not had to get the dogs with me etc. So if anyone has one for sale, let me know!

I have a doctors appointment next week thankfully and I will have to bring this up. Maybe an easy fix with one of my meds. That’s what I hope. I was out of my meds for 3 weeks when I was between insurances but am back on all of them now. So I feel better than what I did just two weeks ago…
This pattern is just not normal for me. Being completely out of energy. Hopefully I can get some answers next week…

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