15 Years In 🇺🇸

Today is my 15th anniversary in Texas (and the US). It is unreal that I have been here for THAT long. Needless to say, it has been a wild ride. Absolutely not how I expected it to be to be honest. I have enjoyed some of it, hated some of it. But that is just called life. It’s not just roses because roses have thorns.

I though don’t think I have ever been as positive about the future and next 15 years as I am right now! I have my 6 month, 1 year and 5 year plan written down and I know what to focus on. I have a fun full time job at Medical Jets, I absolutely love to do real estate and I have my own company Harlequin International. My health is good, my dogs and my horses are doing well! What more can I ask for?

I often get the question if I miss Sweden… nope. Not all of it. I do miss the Swedish summers on the west coast. I miss the nature, the woods and the red and white houses. I miss some of the food and I absolutely miss my friends. But I have no desire to move back. I have my life here in Texas and that’s where I intend to stay!

Wish I could celebrate this day a little better. Mom and I used to go out and eat something. But don’t feel I can afford that right now and go out alone is no fun really! But it does feel a little bit special anyway. I may go and do a take out order for lunch or something!

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