Expert Barn Help

Sunday means that the Field’s kids are home. Meet Noah and Sophia. Noah is 5 and Phia is 4. The most active kids you can imagine. I can sometimes just watch them run around and I get tired doing nothing else than looking at them. Today they saw Acriz being dirty. Of course she is white so that is a common thing. But they wanted to help me brush her!

As these two are very loud and energetic, as any kid is, and my horses are not super used to having them in their stalls I gave them instructions that when we are with the horses there is no screaming and no jumping around. And oh did they behave! They were so freaking awesome! I was so proud of both them and all three girls!

Amaria thought they were a little scary but didn’t do anything. At this point the kids were a little bored of this brushing and grooming thing too. What an awesome training for both the kids and the horses! I’m so proud of all of them!

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