Ski Pants ON

I completely HATE cold weather. It is November in two days I know so there is nothing to say about it… but… I live in TEXAS. It’s not supposed to be cold here… at least not that’s what my mind thinks.

Saturday was a wet day. I had a booth at Boo On The Bricks in Wills Point. But despite the rain, it wasn’t windy so it wasn’t super cold.

I had a really good day saleswise. With the weather being as it was I didn’t expect to get very much sales but I made $1.04 less than I did at the spring event in Wills Point so I am super happy about that!
My body though… Oh Lordie… I was so sore when I got home. I was crawling around the house in pain. And I couldn’t take any Excedrin to the pain because then I wouldn’t be able to sleep, and if I took muscle relaxers I wouldn’t be able to wake up at 4 am… Whoever says events are not rough… come and do one for me in pouring rain!

I had seen on the forecast that it was coming a cold front over night last night so I had plenty of clothes with me. Though I don’t have an EMS rain jacket anymore… The one I had was the UT uniform jacket and I had to return it when I left. But I had extra layers to put on.
Well, first of all. I hereby crown myself the ambulance breaker. We were driving down I20 yesterday, holding about 70mph when suddenly the battery light comes on and it said “low voltage power”. So we pulled over and my partner looked. He couldn’t see anything out of ordinary at the time. So we continued to the station. There we turned the truck off and let it sit for a little bit before we turned it back on. Light was gone. So we drove around a little bit and tried to aggravate the truck to see if anything happened. Nothing. But suddenly a very strong smell of gas came into the cab. Still no lights on.
We had to pick up our logistic guy a couple of miles down the road and on our way back both me and my partner noticed that the gas smell got stronger. Then the engine light turned on… oh shit. Well we were not even a mile from the station. But the gas smell was suddenly completely gone. Even our logistic guy noticed it. And about two minutes later, the battery light came on again. Well, we were back at the station so we could swap trucks and park this together with our other broke down truck… jeeez.
Well, later in the evening the temperature dropped and the wind picked up. And when I say dropped I mean plunged. It was 39F/3.8C. The wind was strong sideways and the rain poured down. We got a call to pick up a patient in Greenville and take him to Dallas. That’s when we found out that our new truck didn’t have working heater… yeah, I was not dressed for that. We were already in Rockwall County and no way we could turn around so I could get another layer. It was just to suck it up. It didn’t even hit my mind that the truck may not have heat in it… now I know. So for several hours I had to sit and be freezing cold. The patient area had heat so at least he was comfortable. Me – not so damn much.
And if you know me, you know I am quite sensitive to cold. Except the truck we were in warmer areas so I could manage it. But my muscles are sore.

When I clocked out at 6am, I had only gotten an hour of sleep. That call took us 6 hours to complete due to different issues that came up along the way. Nothing serious but just delays. Due to HIPPAA I don’t want to be more specific than that.
I have to leave the back door open when I am gone for shifts so Twix & BamBam can go out and potty. Well, if it is going to be cold for more shifts I will have to come up with a solution. It was 36 degrees in my house when I got home. Thankfully I have a good heating system in my house so the door got closed and the heater turned on very fast! I took my blankets and put in the dryer for a moment before going to bed. SOOOO NICEEEEEE. Twix was so glad I was home and he loved the warm blankets so he laid on top of me which made the heat stay even longer. It was awesome.

I didn’t turn any alarm on. I needed to sleep. Terrell Chamber Luncheon was at 11:30 and if I wouldn’t make it, no big deal. But at 9 am, 2 hours later the phone rang… It was a Zillow call. Those calls are very important to me because it is the pipeline to the realestate. But this was an Hispanic man who didn’t speak ANY English, only Spanish so I couldn’t help him. I was so pissed and tired. Needed to pee so I decided to get out of bed.
Contemplating with myself whether to go to the meeting or not. I decided not to. I would have had to make myself ready, look good, smile… not today. I had left overs at home that I put in the microwave and ate before I put my ski pants on to go to the barn. Yepp, you read correctly. I was NOT going to be cold so it was sweatpants, ski pants, t-shirt, hoodie, fleece jacket and boots. I forgot my beanie…

I was perfectly dressed for the windy barn. I absolutely LOVE my ski pants. That was the best investment I have ever done. I am going to order myself another pair soon.

The horses were doing good. They have a good coat to deal with the cold as long as its dry. I could tell they had been inside a lot while it was raining, there was quite some clean up for me to do. So I got my workout done too while they ate their feed.

Came home and thought to myself that I had made the correct decision to not go to the meeting. I was so tired I couldn’t think. So I went back to bed. It was the only right thing for me to do. Listen to my body. I got 3.5 more hours of sleep. Kind of good because I hope I can still fall asleep tonight and get a good night’s sleep.

Nice to be off two more days. I have so much things to do but I will deal with that tomorrow… dogs has been fed and they are out on their night potty. I’m about to put the blankets back in the dryer while I get ready for bed. Not because it’s cold, just because it is so darn cozy. And it helps me fall asleep! And hopefully I will wake up well rested tomorrow, without lot of muscle pain.


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