The Circus Has Begun

You know me… once I get a project in my head it is just full force 10000%. And here we are, three days later and it is all rolling forward!

I have started a website: and I set up a Facebook and Instagram account… Kind of the basic things to do in my opinion. Two meetings are on the schedule. The first one is next wednesday and it will be an online meeting.

The second one is November 8th and it will be at Hickory Roots BBQ in Terrell.

As you probably can see, I keep the colors navy blue and gold with this project too. Simply because it connects both my own brand with Harlequin Tea. And it is my favorite colors…

I really hope this will be beneficial for may, including myself. The tricky thing will be to get people to RSVP prior the meeting on the website. I guess it’s not a big deal if they don’t do it, but it will help.

So if you read this, please help me and like and follow the pages on social media. It means alot to me!

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