Some Busy Days…

I may be working EMS 24 hours and then be off 72 but those hours I’m off are busy!!!! We didn’t get a lot of sleep last shift so I completely crashed when I got home Monday morning. I had so much I had to do but my body told me sleep was much more important. I chose to listen to it as I know I will benefit from it later. When I woke up I headed to the barn and that was about the only productive thing I did that day. Well I did send a couple of emails and prepared social media stuff but that’s not much activity really…

Tuesday was a complete different day. I started the day with a Kaufman County Realtor Meeting. The first time I attended this meeting. The speaker was Ken Duggan with PillarToPost Home Inspection. It was super interesting to find out more about inspections as that is not even touched on in Real Estate School.

This meeting was followed by Forney Area Networking Group (FANG) which was very conveniently at the same restaurant, Alfredo’s Steakhouse in Forney. Always a good meeting with a lot of networking. While I was waiting for the meeting to start I got in a 1-on-1 with Joseph from TLC Auto Shop. He is a regular visitor to the meetings and we just started to talk and it got in to a very deep conversation about life, goals, business and a lot more. It was awesome!
After the meeting, I had another 1-on-1 with Stephanie Anderton with Lady Organize. So great to get to know her as well. She moved from California to Texas a couple of years ago and runs an organizing business.

Ran by the horses on my way home. They are enjoying that it’s not 100+ degrees anymore. Time to soon get them a bale of hay. I took a walk around the pasture on Monday and there is still lots of grass left for them but I have to start stock up on it now.
Dallas saw something at the end of the pasture and I got a really good selfie with her!

Headed home and could sit down for an hour. Then I took the dogs on a walk to check out National Night Out here in Wills Point. Great opportunity to get them on a short walk and socialize a little. But I was quite pissed when a law enforcement officer (I don’t know who he was more than in law enforcement as he was in civilian clothes) started to comment that BamBam had a lot of pain in his hips and he needed to be on medications etc etc. It wasn’t just the fact that he commented on it, but he damn screamed all over the place that I was a bad dogowner. WTF! I have never met this man, nor does he know anything about me nor about my dog. He has no clue about whether I have him on medications etc. He doesn’t know about his mental disability being out and about in crowds and he has the audacity to make these statements. Yes, I know that BamBam has hip pain, he is on medications for that. He is monitored by a veterinarian regularly for this. And to my concern, you are in law enforcement and not a veterinarian so leave me and my dog alone. I wish I had the gut to say it out loud but I figured I would be arrested or cause a scene if I did. This man was of the older generation and I overheard him saying that he has been in law enforcement 45+ years… thought to myself; probably time to retire now…
BamBam did well during the event. He didn’t have more pain than he usually does. I had given him his pain meds before we left. And, he wasn’t more comfortable in this situation than he usually is. He doesn’t like crowds but he doesn’t want to be left home alone either…
Twix on the other hand got so much attention as he ever could have. Every kid wanted to come and pet him. And when someone tried to pet BamBam, he went in between. That dog is so smart! I was so proud of him! Got a picture of him and Sparky!

Needless to say, all of us slept like rocks last night. I slept almost 10 hours! Thought I was getting up earlier but that didn’t happen. 7 am was when I opened my eyes. But I wasn’t going anywhere in a hurry so it was all good. I was heading to the Wills Point Chamber of Commerce Pancake Breakfast and that was going on between 7am and 10am so I had plenty of time.

Delicious breakfast. Also took the opportunity to pay for Boo On The Bricks that will be on 10/28 here in Wills Point. Of course have to have a booth there! It will be so much fun! I was directing traffic for CERT last year on that event so I know how much people there was, hoping there will be as many this year.

Canton First Monday last month was not a good event for me. Honestly I don’t know if I am able to come back next month or not. Deadlines and times are not on my side. The deadline to let them know is 10/10. I have Kaufman Harvest Fest on 10/14. I wish it was reversed because I hope Kaufman will be a good event. But as of right now I won’t be able to do Canton next month. Sad but it’s a business decision I will have to take. So today I anyway had to break down the booth since I need the stuff for both Harvest Fest and Boo On The Bricks.

I was determined that I would get everything on one cart! And I did! This is my entire Canton Booth actually!

Well, have so much to do this afternoon… good grief. Inventory, budget, bills etc… I guess it’s just to start somewhere!

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