Quite Some Pressure

I hoped and prayed that today would be a better day in Canton. My prayers were not answered. Not in a long shot. Not that it wasn’t any foot traffic, they just didn’t stop and buy anything. I sold one small bag of tea, one infuser and 10 cups of tea (mostly to other vendors). That is an income of $33. Subtract to that the ice I had to buy of $6 and the water for $3.50. That gives me an income of $23.50 which barely covers the gas… Yeah… this ain’t working. I need to sell around $186 tomorrow to break even. Do I think that will happen? Not unless there is a miracle and tea is the only thing people buy tomorrow. I heard other vendors had a good day, it was simply just not a tea day. And my location is probably not the best, being in the back of everything, I should be somewhere around the food court.
So… reality is that unless there will be a miracle tomorrow I will sadly not be there next month. You should never say never, I have until 10/10 to come up with the $207 somewhere for the booth.

I am so disappointed. I really had high hopes for this show. That’s how it is every darn time I hope for something. I fall flat on my face and hard. I needed the income too much. If I would just had gone in and said “I’m happy for whatever” I bet the situation would have been different. Money and I have never gone hand in hand. It’s always been a struggle. So why would it be different this time? Right…

I’m heading to bed now. Hoping to get a good nights of sleep despite the bright full moon. That explained why I woke up at 2:30 am this morning… darn moon.

Pray for me tomorrow!

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