I love networking. Period. Meeting new people, finding out how we can help each other, building a referral network, making new friendships and also promote my own brand and business. My personality fits into networking perfectly. So I am very happy that I now have the opportunity and time to get back into networking again.
Long time ago, before I started EMT school I was very active in the community. I was at almost every networking event there was and I also had my own company doing networking events. It was awesome and so much fun. One of the groups I attended weekly was Forney Area Networking Group (FANG). It was a great group with a wide variety of people. So now I had the opportunity to come back to the group. After 5+ years I re-introduced myself today. There was some familiar faces but mostly new people there. And since it is in Forney, most of the businesses are located in that area. Which I absolutely don’t mind, I hope to sell both tea and houses in the community!
The meetings are held at Alfredo’s Steakhouse. That was one of my mom’s favorite restaurants when they were in Terrell. I don’t think she ever got the opportunity to visit them in Forney. She became too sick quickly at the time they moved. Yes it is loooong time ago. But I must say, their food is still as delicious. No doubt about it!
The speaker was Dr. Justin Terry, Superintendent Forney ISD. Again… I don’t have any kids so I am not super in to what is going on within the ISD’s anywhere. Now is really the time for me to know a little at least. They have a School Funding Referendum voting coming up and it was both interesting and shocking to hear about how the budgets are done within the school districts. And I must say I was impressed with everything Forney ISD had to offer the students.
Tomorrow morning is Terrell Chamber Morning Mingle that I am aiming on attending. I have a lot to do before Canton First Monday that I have completely procrastinated this week (stupid me) so I haven’t made up my mind if I’m going or not…
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