We Have A Plan For BamBam!

Back in June BamBam had to go to the vet. He was showing signs of pain and it was just very weird. Dr. Rachel gave him medications and it made wonder! We did it on a try at first. Muscle relaxer, Prednisone and Gabapentin. Well after his first round of meds I saw that he was not doing as good after a couple of days off the meds. So I got a refill of Gabapentin and Prednisone. At the visit he had also a few spots on his shoulder where hair fell off. We had flea problems so that’s what we thought it was and it was quite small at the time. I got a flea collar which took care of all the fleas but BamBam’s skin only got worse and worse.

Last week he ran out of Gabapentin again and I thought to give it a second try to be without it. I had also tried to step down of the meds the last couple of days but it didn’t help. Yesterday I could tell he was not doing good. So off to Dr. Rachel we went today!

Twix came a long just because he needed the car training and so BamBam had company.

Dr. Rachel is the best. Oh Lord! One of these boys needed attention and the other wanted the attention… guess who… Twix has no care of personal space! Hahahaha. He thought he should have all the attention and climbed over BamBam to get to Dr. Rachel and what did she do… hahahaha, treated Twix’s ears! He got attention. Not the attention he wanted though. We were laughing at him. Nah, he was actually a very good boy and so was BamBam.
Last time he was there he had quite a bad experience with not being able to walk on the slippery floor so we took him in and out another door. He did great today! No problem at all. I was so proud and happy with my boy! And we now have a plan when it comes to his muscles and his skin! I’m very happy!

When we were about to leave Twix surprised me with jumping in the car! That was the first time in his life I did not have to lift him in the car. He absolutely hates the car. But I think he figured that we were going home. Both of them are now resting and thinking they have been on a huge adventure… haha.

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