Terrell Mural Walk 2023

I just love to be back participating in different community events. Due to my schedule in EMS I have missed out on so much the last couple of years. Yes, I am still in EMS but I have a complete different schedule.
Remember last year when the first Terrell Mural Walk was going on, I was so mad that I was working. So when I realized that I was going to be able to make it this year I got so happy! I’m a little mad that I didn’t bring the dogs, they could really have enjoyed this. They will come along next year!

Terrell is probably one of the towns with the most murals. I think it is 10 of them all together now. The walk started downtown and then you could walk however you wanted and at each mural take a picture. You got one point per picture. Then another point if you bought anything at participating stores. So off I went. I made it to 9 out of 10 murals. The last one was down at the airport and I wasn’t in the mood to walk that far. But I was the first one to complete the walk and received a pen for my 9 completed murals. And I helped make history in town with painting a part of the Terrell Mural Walk 2023 mural. The blue part in the lower right corner has been proudly painted by me!

I saw a couple of familiar faces which of course was a lot of fun. Realized how much I missed this part of the community so I am very happy to be back!

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