First Days At The New Job

I wasn’t nervous yesterday morning. More excited. Like a kid starting first grade. I only knew where to be at a certain time and it was requested to wear khaki colored 5.11 pants. I had ordered two pairs, thankfully a size bigger than what I had. Turned out I chose a different model and the sizing was not the same. They fit but if I would have taken the other size it would have been too small.

Yesterday was Labor day so it turned out to be extremely short. We filled in some paperwork and did the physical fitness test. It wasn’t too bad. So after 2 hours they sent us home. Thanks! Love it. Gave me the opportunity to swing by the horses and then head home and spend the afternoon working on my buyers package for real estate. I got a lot done and was quite proud of myself.
We got our uniform shirts yesterday! WOW! Three polo shirts, three t-shirts and then he saw that I was wearing a hoodie so he went and got us a warmer sweater too! I was so grateful for that today!!!

Thought today may be smacked with information but it wasn’t too bad. You know all this new employee stuff that needs to be read, filled in and signed etc etc etc. A lot of downtime. But they gave us lunch which was very nice!
Everyone I’ve met so far has been very nice and helpful. It seems to be a great company to work for. I thought that I was going to work 24/48 (24 hours on shift and 48 hours off) but came to find out today that I am working 24/72!!! That is beyond amazing! That will give me three days between shifts to work on my tea and real estate! Then I will have to figure out what to do with the boys but with only working a couple of shifts a month, this is much better than I could ever imagine! I am so happy I did this move!

Quite tired right now… have to be back for day 3 of orientation tomorrow. Think it is skills day… haven’t done any skills for 6 months… will be interesting to see how that will work out! It will be all good!

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