A Kangaroo & Lemurs in Canton?

Day 3 in Canton. A long day that actually went pretty fast! I am so honored that so many friends stop by my booth to say hi when they are in Canton! It means so much to me! Yesterday a couple of friends stopped by that I haven’t seen for quite a while! It is always so great to see you!

It was a good day! Could be more traffic but we take what we get! I exceeded last months sales, both for the entire weekend and compared only to the Saturday. On top of it I got two online orders to send off on Tuesday (Labor Day tomorrow). So I was very pleased with the day!

Sitting scrolling on social media between customers and I saw on Canton Marketplace instagram that there was some interesting animals up at the entrance… I had to go and check them out. I kid you not, there was Roger the Kangaroo and actually there were 4 Lemurs but I only got pictures of two of them!

Don’t ask me why they have clothes on… I was wondering myself but didn’t ask. They were there with a petting zoo that was visiting. And you could take a picture with Roger for $10… I got a picture of Roger, that was enough for me. But it was very interesting to see them so up close.

This weekend has passed so fast! Already Sunday! I am about to go for a walk with the dogs before starting brewing the tea and heading to Canton again. Thankfully it is a short day. Close at 5pm. I was so tired when I got home last night I didn’t even restock what I sold. Sundays are usually not as busy and I’m not out of anything so I think I will be good. And tomorrow starts a new adventure…

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