Canton Day 2

I shouldn’t be disappointed with yesterday. It actually wasn’t as bad as I felt it was. While I was there the day was so slow. I sold one 1oz teabag but more drinks though! But it was far inbetween the customers and there was so little traffic it made the day so freaking long. Then I looked at the sales last month on the friday and I actually exceeded that day with just a couple of bucks. So it is that. You can’t sell to people who are not there right?

Well I was asked by my broker to help her show a house next Saturday. Absolutely! It will be so much fun. And then I thought of things to do while there. So I was sitting and researching ways to edit quick videos on my phone. I have all the equipment on my computer at home but what good does that do when I am not there. And I am not a videographer whatsoever. i take pictures. I do have a professional selfie stick so I took that out and charged it and installed the software on my new phone. And then I did a test video for the booth. I created this from beginning to end in less than 20 minutes and that is the first time I ever see Adobe Rush that I used…

Considering the time I put into this and that it was the first time, I think it was pretty good! So much could be better, absolutely but it’s a good start! I had fun doing it as well. I am going to try some other things today and see what I can do. Then I will implement this in real estate to promote both myself and houses. It will be a lot of fun!

I hope there will be more traffic today! I have added a new blend on the ready drinks: Mint Iced Tea. Hope someone will try it and like it! I pray it will be a good day. I so need a good day! Check in tomorrow and see!

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