An 4.5 Years Era Is Over

The journey started April 15, 2019 and ended August 30, 2023. Needless to say a wild ride! I have worked with wonderful people, met funny and interesting strangers. Had screaming people in my ear and got more nicknames than I can count. Worked through a pandemic and a Texas snowmageddon. A lot of memories has been made during these years. It’s been both fun and miserable at times, as all jobs are. But now is the time for me to close this chapter and move on to another.

The last 6 months has been so stressful for me. I didn’t get along with some people in the communication center which made it quite rough to go to work. Not going into any specific details but what I can say is that if I had not already turned in my resignation last week, I would have taken a trip to HR bypassing all my bosses after some incidents at work. And it wouldn’t be the first time… But since my hours was already counted there was no reason to stir up a lot of shit. So walking out of the building yesterday meant a lot of weights lifted off my shoulders. They can deal with it themselves. I am so excited to move on and have a new adventure.

But before I start that adventure I am spending four days at Canton First Monday with Harlequin Tea. It will be my second month there. I hope it will be a little more traffic than last month. Not that last month was a bad month but I hope this will be better. I have a little different setup and added some products. So I am very excited. Also gives me a chance to reload the batteries and my mind and be ready for Monday!

So, if you don’t have any plans, come and see me at Canton Marketplace!

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