Hit The Ground Running

I really prayed that I wouldn’t be called in on my last standby day today. I had so much stuff I wanted to do. I woke up at 5am by myself after 8 hours of straight sleep. It surprised me because I wasn’t that tired last night. But it was nice. Work had until 7:30 am to call me in and while waiting I sat in front of the computer and did some social media posts ready for the day and weekend. One thing that came out this afternoon was the new intro ad…

I absolutely hate to write about myself. I find it so hard because I don’t want to sound selfish or brag about myself. Though I hope that people would help me and share both this picture on social media and like and follow my page (Facebook.com/ceciliatxrealestate | Instagram.com/ceciliatxrealestate) It would help tremendously with reaching out!

I figured around 7am that the likeliness for them to call now was quite slim. So I started to get ready to take a walk. I wanted to do it yesterday as well but I overslept and then I didn’t want to push myself timewise. But today was no excuses.
Motivated with a new playlist in the headphones I left the dogs at home (they were not happy). The bad part with having music in my ears is that I push myself too hard. I started out way to fast so on my way back I had to stop twice to regain some oxygen to my muscles. It was quite hot as well so I was glad the dogs stayed home. Proud that I made it around! I can’t wait until this route is easier and I can advance. That is just not right now.

After some downtime and a shower I headed out the door. Good grief. I think it was around 9:15 am at this time. Headed to Wills Point Ford to get my car inspected, then to Canton to pay the registration so that is all good for another year. Walmart, Tractor Supply, and to CVS. While leaving CVS, Misti (My boss at Star Spangled Real Estate) texted and asked if I wanted to come along on a showing of one of their listings. Heck yeah! I take every opportunity I can. The showing was in Wills Point in 1.5 hours. Perfect! Drove back to Wills Point, went to the bank, and then home to unload the groceries that I didn’t want to have in the car longer than necessary. Just enough time to let the dogs out, put a baked potato in the microwave and engulf that as fast as I could without sitting down. I knew if I sat down I would be feeling tired and that was no bueno.

Off to the showing and when that was done to the horses. They actually live on Misti’s property by the way… Very convenient. So that is how I got in to this whole Real Estate circus…
The girls hates this weather. We are all tired of this heat. But they are doing okay. Happy that I brought them more sweet feed.
Misti and I sat down and did some training afterwards for a couple of hours. While sitting there the tiredness kicked in as expected. So around 3pm I headed home. And what did I do… sat down to research properties for a client, did more social media things, signed up for online classes, did a laundry and I started spray painting buckets that I will use for display in Canton next week.

It truly feels like I have been running non stop all day. And I am not done! I have to cook some food for the week, unload and load the dishwasher and continue spray painting the remaining buckets… Just a lot today! And I absolutely love it!

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