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Back in May i made a list of goals. 6 months, 1 year and 5 year. On my 6 month goal I also put it in the order I wanted to accomplish them. The first three bullet points was

  • Finish Real Estate School and obtain my license
  • Apply for new job – get back on the truck
  • Prioritize myself – start to work out and get fit again.

I said to myself I was going to do one thing at a time, not try to be superwoman and change everything at once.
Well now I have accomplished bullet point 1 & 2. Time to get on to number three.

2023 has needless to say been a very challenging year. Transferring in to dispatch was a bigger challenge for me than I expected it to. Both mentally and physically. Going from moving around every day and using my body to completely sitting still for a full 12 hour shift. It was not good for me. And at times also work nights and not get more than maybe 3-4 hours a sleep a night. I gained a lot of weight. And with that I lost my mental strength. Didn’t feel good at work, wasn’t good at what I was doing, couldn’t work out when I was home because I was so exhausted and I needed to put my effort into school. Well I accepted the fact since I had a plan.

I often looked at this picture on Facebook, taken in July of 2019.

I was fit, good looking, feeling awesome but I also worked out a lot. I walked 5-7 miles a day. This is where I want to be. Looking at me today – I am so far from that. But it is this picture I have in my mind when I now start my journey to get there again.
I don’t care about what the scale shows. I care about how I feel. Right now I feel like a walrus. And I also know that it’s only me that can do the work to make the change. And I’m ready to take the challenge.

Texas is still damn HOT. This summer has not been fun at all. The challenge will be to get the workout done after work when it is as hot as it is. I wish I had a treadmill at home. But I’m off today so I started out the day with a walk!

I thought about bringing the dogs but changed my mind. It was too hot first of all for BamBam. They just got their breakfast and I didn’t want to wait and I wanted to keep a little higher pace than when all three of us are walking. So it was me, myself and the music.

I didn’t push myself. Tried to find a pace I felt comfortable in. I had set the route in my mind but when I was coming out on the main road I took a shortcut. Felt I was so tired and didn’t want to push too hard the first workout. Poor body didn’t know what to do with itself anyway. The shortcut is maybe 0.3 miles shorter so it’s nothing. A white dog joined me from there and home. Felt horrible that I couldn’t bring her in.
The walk felt good. I was pleased. Good start of many. This will take time. I know. Not expecting any revolutionary changes in a couple of weeks. But I want to be on the path to something better. And I know that working out and walking also makes me eat less and not think about food as much as I do.

The goal for the rest of August is just to move as much as I can. Next week is a long week at work, I’m only off Wednesday. And it’s going to be 110+ degrees every darn day anyway.
The goal for September is to walk every day I am off work or start working late. Get it done early in the morning. Right off the batt. Right now it is a 2.5 miles route and I want to extend that gradually. Eventually I want to be back to the 5 miles walks. But I don’t think I will be able to be there until around December. Simply stay tuned and find out, right!

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